Links to external organisations with useful information. Click on the logo to visit the website.
Heartland Horseshoeing School
HHS is a Mecca for great farriers that want to improve their abilities, and it is the birthplace of many of todays farrier industry leaders.
American Farrier's Association
Since 1971, the American Farriers Association (AFA) has focused on improving equine welfare through excellence in hoof care and farriery.
Farrier Industry Association
Founded in 1986, the Farrier Industry Association provides education relating to the horse industry, promotes sound business through lectures and training seminars, organizes tradeshows and provides a corridor for communication.
Delta Mustad Hoofcare Center
We're a proud Delta Mustad dealer, with a complete range from St Croix, Capewell, Delta, Mustad to their Libero range.
GE Forge & Tool
G.E. Forge & Tool have developed and produced industry leading farrier hoof nippers. This tradition is continuing with development of new tools.
Farrier Products Distribution
We're a proud FPD dealer of Kerckhaert horse shoes, Vector nails, FPD tools and related equine products.
Kerckhaert Horseshoes
The Kerckhaert Horseshoe company, superior horseshoe craftmanship
and design...since 1916.
Victory Racing Plate
Setting the standard of Equestrian excellence...Since 1929
Ketstone Leather
Keystone Leather was founded in 2003 and specializes in sole leather and footwear products. Keystone is family owned with the owners amassing over 80 years of combined experience in the leather industry. We pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality products and the most reliable service. As your reliable source for some of the best sole leather in the world, we stock an inventory of 10,000 bends to cater to your needs. Keystone Leather provides footwear components to domestic shoe and boot factories committed to manufacturing in the USA.
Hoof Cinch
Our Company
Hoof Cinch LLC was started in 2012 with a new idea to help foundered horses and was tested on a miniature horse. The test went so well we decided to test it out on 60 horses. 30 of the horses had foundered, 25 had other hoof ailments, and 5 had no known hoof problems. 29 of the 30 foundered horses recovered fully. We found that, although the Hoof Cinch worked wonders on founder, it did not help, yet did not have any negative affect on the other hoof ailments. The five normal horses showed no damage or lamenesses during the year they had the Hoof Cinches installed. In 2012 we applied for patents on our products and put togther a team to spread the word. One year later we invented The Lifts for navicular syndrome.
Chuck Potter- Inventor, farrier and tech support
Krista Potter- Customer sales and service
Dr. Jan Doelle - DVM
Keith Martin - Business administration
Fratelli Bassoli
A ninety years long history
BASSOLI Bros was founded in 1929 from the ingenuity and industriousness of the brothers Aldo and Napoleone Bassoli who decided to repair and to renew worn files through a chemical process to bring them back to their normal use.
However this procedure was drooped soon because the quality was far below their expectations and they decided to bring worn files to a small factory near Milan where, through a mechanical process, files were totally remade. In 1950 they had the opportunity to buy this factory and thus Napoleone and Aldo were joined by another brother, Dante, and all together with courage and efforts, assisted also by their relatives, they replaced the old owner and they continued his activity.
In 1954 the Bassoli brothers decided to move their factory to Olgiate Molgora (Lecco), place where they lived and place where the factory is still established. The working process was so much developed and improved that the production of new files was started with very good results soon: their files quality reached shortly the one offered by competitors companies already well-known on the market. As a consequence the worn files processing was completely abandoned.
In 1960 Dante the third brother - remained alone to manage the company, since Napoleone had died suddenly and in the meanwhile Aldo had retired from business. During the same year the Confederazione Generale Italiana dellArtigianato gave the gold medal and the Diploma of working seniority to Dante Bassoli.
The old location built in 1954 became shortly inefficient to contain the new and modern machines bought to improve and to increase the production. With considerable efforts and well considering all the difficulties and financial problems involved, Dante and his sons, Sergio and Antonio, decided to build a new headquarters, always in Olgiate Molgora, much bigger and functional and they moved there in 1973. Once reached this goal, Dante entrusted the company management to his sons Sergio and Antonio who accepted with great enthusiasm, even if aware of their responsibilities. They also developed new projects, so that their business could not been affected by any critical moments.
Soon, to meet the needs of the growing customers, BASSOLI Bros felt the need to experiment with new techniques to bring the company to a high qualitative level. For this reason in 1981 a new building was added to accommodate the offices, a Department for machines maintenance and not least a Department for the rasps production.
Two years later the company took over SOCIETA COOPERATIVA LAVORANTI IN LIME in Grugliasco (TO), expanding considerably its files and rasps production, also according to new technologies. In 1994, with the acquired experience in the field of files and rasps, BASSOLI Bros decided to expand its commercial offer with the wide range of CUTTING TOOLS on the urgent demand of its loyal and faithful customers.
From 2001 to 2005 the third generation took over the direction of the company by giving a new enthusiasm and a burst of energy. In 2003 the Trade Association (Confartigianato) in Lecco gave a recognizer the Diploma con medaglia doro for the 45 years of entrepreneurial commitment to BASSOLI Bros.
Today, as then, efforts, dedication and love for the company remain and allow BASSOLI Bros to be increasingly present on the domestic and international market by satisfying the different needs of its estimated customers.